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  • The Scandalous Lady Sandford (Lost Ladies of London Book 3) Page 10

The Scandalous Lady Sandford (Lost Ladies of London Book 3) Read online

Page 10

  Mackenzie’s cheeks ballooned. Lillian didn’t know whether he was ashamed or offended. Even so, she didn’t care how the blackguard had found them.

  “Tell me what Cornell wants.” She stepped forward and aimed at the permanent furrows between the man’s brows. “Does this have anything to do with Lord Martin?”

  Fabian inhaled sharply but said nothing.

  The beast raised his hands. “All I know is his lordship won’t rest until he’s hurt your brother.”

  “What do you know of Lord Martin?” Lillian gritted her teeth. “Tell me.” She was somewhat thankful the barrel of the pistol was empty. Whenever she thought of Lord Martin her head filled with a cloudy haze that obliterated all rational thought.

  “His lordship mentioned him.” The rogue grimaced. “He said Lord Martin had done his job and now it was up to me to do mine.”

  The words echoed in Lillian’s ears — goading her, taunting her like the spiteful gossips of the ton.

  She pulled the trigger.

  In her mind, she saw the deceitful Lord Martin crumple to the ground in a bloody heap.

  Fabian gasped.

  The rogue fell back in shock. The acrid scent of urine caught her nose, and she realised the terrifying man with the pockmarked face had piddled in his trousers.

  “Make no mistake,” she said in a deadly tone, “the next time you cross me I shall blow a hole in your chest. One so large everyone will see you have no heart.”

  A heavy silence filled the air.

  Lillian lowered the pistol, turned on her heels and strode back to the castle alone.

  Chapter Ten

  “So, what shall we do with this sneaky scrote, my lord?” Mackenzie squared his shoulders and snarled at the thug hired to track down Lillian.

  With a heavy heart, Fabian dragged his gaze away from the dejected figure of his wife in the distance. Perhaps he should chase after her, but gut instinct told him to give her some time alone before broaching the subject of Lord Martin. Clearly, the gossip making the rounds of the London ballrooms failed to convey the full measure of the story.

  “Throw him in the dungeon for the time being.” Until in possession of all the facts, Fabian would be foolish to release the man. “He is to stay there until I decide what to do with him.”

  The blackguard scrambled to his feet. “You’ve no right to keep me here.”

  “Och, stop blathering like a bairn. You should save your breath to cool your porridge. That is if we remember to feed you.”

  “You will come with us quietly, or we’ll drag you to the castle.”

  Mackenzie nodded to the man’s trousers and scrunched his nose. “If you’re a good wee laddie I might lend you a clean pair of breeches.”

  “Breeches?” the rogue scoffed. “I hear you Highlanders wear dresses.”

  “Enough!” Fabian had no patience for their petty quarrels, not when he had more pressing matters on his mind. “What’s your name?”

  The rogue hesitated. “What does it matter?”

  “Your name,” Fabian repeated.

  “It’s … it’s Aubrey.”

  “Aubrey?” Mackenzie snorted. “And you have the nerve to tease me for wearing dresses.”

  While Mackenzie continued baiting the prisoner, Isaac and Freddie came bounding towards them.

  “Lady Ravenscroft said you might need help, my lord.” Freddie scanned the stranger, one corner of his mouth curling up in disdain. “Is this the crook who came ashore?”

  Fabian nodded. “Take him to the dungeon. I’m afraid he’s not ready to leave us just yet.”

  Aubrey craned his neck and gazed across the landscape. He could run, but Fabian would catch him before he’d taken two steps. Being outnumbered, Aubrey had no option but to follow them back to the castle.

  Descending the steps into the dungeon, Fabian led the prisoner through the dank underground chamber to the row of cramped cells.

  “You can’t leave me in here.” Aubrey gripped the iron railings and peered into the dark room beyond. “What’s that godawful smell?”

  Mackenzie sniggered. “I think you’ll find that’s your trousers.”

  “Mackenzie will arrange for a brazier and firewood, candles and bedding.” Fabian unlocked the door and gestured for the man to step inside.

  A chorus of shrill squeaks accompanied the scratching on the cobblestones. Aubrey swung around. “You expect me to sleep with the rats?”

  “It’s a temporary measure. Mackenzie will ensure you’re as comfortable as possible. Under the circumstances, you should count your blessings. I am within my rights to shoot trespassers.”

  “Aye, if you’re good I might find you a chamber pot, save you piddling in your trousers.”

  Aubrey growled, but Mackenzie shoved him into the cell and closed the door.

  “Can I leave you to deal with Aubrey?” Fabian said, eager to return to his chamber and discuss the matter with his wife.

  “Aye, I might fetch Willie and have him recite his poetry. As torture goes, that’s worse than spending a few hours on the rack.”

  Fabian stepped closer to Mackenzie and lowered his voice. “I trust you to take care of the key and ensure the man is fed and watered.”

  “You needn’t worry on that score, my lord.”

  Fabian inclined his head. “Then I shall leave you here while I attend to Lady Ravenscroft.” He turned on his heels and marched back to the narrow flight of stairs leading up to the bailey.

  As Fabian raced back through the castle to his chamber, he recalled what he knew of Lillian’s scandalous past. The gossip weaving its way through the ballrooms was that Lillian had given herself to her betrothed before having the sense to exchange vows. Lord Martin found the lady to be far too free with her passions and consequently broke the engagement. Fearing her brother’s wrath, Martin fled to Italy. Vane caught him and challenged him to a duel. The ladies paid homage to Vane’s heroic actions. The gentlemen blamed Lillian’s loose morals when the poor lord died.

  So what the blazes did Lord Cornell have to do with it all?

  Fabian stopped outside his bedchamber door in an effort to calm his breathing. If he hoped to help Lillian, he had to hear the truth. Whatever had happened in the past, clearly Cornell still held a grudge.

  Fabian slipped into the room as he’d done hours before when he found Lillian sleeping in his bed. But the bed was empty. His head shot to the chairs flanking the fire, but they were empty, too.

  Where the devil was she?

  A sigh left his lips. With the intruder caught, she had no need to sleep in his bedchamber. Fabian strode over to the door joining their rooms. It creaked open, the sound loud enough to alert the whole castle of his movements let alone the shadowy figure sitting hunched on the edge of the bed.


  The icy chill in the air sent a shiver from his shoulders to his toes. The room was dark, except for the patchwork of silver shapes on the floor where slivers of moonlight streamed through the leaded window.


  She failed to answer.

  “Lilly?” It was a name he’d used before. The name of the sweet girl he remembered. The name of the girl untroubled by etiquette and gossip, the one who thought life was an adventure.

  She raised her head. “No one calls me Lilly, not even Vane.” Her croaky voice caught in her throat.

  “I recall you used to like it.”

  “Say it again.”

  “Come, Lilly, it’s too cold in here.” Fabian moved closer. She was still wearing his coat. He reached for her hands and pulled her to her feet. “Come and sit by the fire.”

  When he met her gaze, the sight sent a stabbing pain right through his heart. Her eyes were sunken and rimmed with brown shadows, the whites littered with red veins. Blotchy cheeks confirmed she’d shed many tears, yet the cause of her torment still lingered in the hazel pools.

  “Forgive me.” The words tumbled out of his mouth. Guilt surfaced like an angry Poseidon,
trident in hand ready to prod him for his misdeeds. Fabian gripped her hands tightly. “Forgive me for behaving like a selfish scoundrel. I should not have brought you here. I should have left you in peace.”

  “Peace?” Water filled her eyes. A single drop trickled down her nose. “Is there such a thing?”

  Feeling an urgent need to soothe her, he cradled her cheeks. “If there is, I’m yet to find it. But I shall not stop looking until I do.”

  A weak smile formed. “Perhaps we could search together.”

  He bent his head and pressed his lips to hers. The taste of her fed the obsession he’d been harbouring ever since her arrival — for years before that. He broke contact. “I want you to tell me everything.”

  She swallowed deeply. “Don’t ask me to relive the memory. I wake each morning with a desperate need to remember some things, dreading the thought of remembering others.”

  During the years since Estelle’s supposed death, he’d experienced a similar feeling, wanting to remember, wanting to forget. “Emotional pain is like a festering wound. One ignores it at their peril. Tell me what you want me to do, and I shall do it.”

  “Vane said that, too, just before you abducted me from Vauxhall.”

  The comment poked at his conscience. “Then I shall take you back to Vane. Focus my efforts on finding Estelle without him, as I should have done in the beginning.” The thought of losing Lillian robbed him of breath.

  “You don’t want me to stay?” A tear fell, the droplet hitting her cheek.

  “Of course I want you to stay.” He gripped her shoulders. “But I was wrong to play on your weaknesses, wrong to leave you with limited options.”

  “I want to stay.” She swallowed a whimper. “You’re my husband. I have nothing else. If I cannot make this work what hope is there?”

  The words were sweet music to his ears. “Then allow me to be your husband. Confide in me. Tell me your deepest desires, your darkest secrets. Know I shall not judge you as others are wont to do.”

  She put a trembling hand to his cheek. The intimacy of the moment touched his soul. “You must help me, Fabian. I do not know who I am. I stare at the looking glass and hardly recognise myself.”

  “You’re Lilly.” He forced a grin. “You’re the woman who wants to live, not wallow in sorrow.”

  She blinked, and her eyes brightened. “Then you must remind me of it often.” She paused, her gaze dipping to the opening of his shirt. “Let us return to your room. It’s too cold in here, and I’m numb to my bones.” She took his hand and led him through the connecting door.

  “I’ll add more wood to the fire.” He moved to walk away.

  “Wait. I want to tell you what happened.” She touched the locket at her throat. “I need to talk to someone. Whenever I broach the subject with Vane guilt eats away at him, and I cannot bear to see him in pain.”

  “Then sit. I shall pour us a brandy while you warm yourself.”

  “In a moment.” She bit down on her bottom lip, her gaze flitting back and forth, as erratic as her decisions. “There is another matter that requires our attention first.”

  She shrugged out of his coat and it fell to the floor. In the muted light, he could see the voluptuous curve of her hips through the thin chemise. Pert nipples pressed against the fine material. She gathered her ebony hair and pulled it over one shoulder. A man would need to be blind not to recognise the signs.

  “Are you suggesting we consummate our alliance?”

  “It is our wedding night. I … I am not promising it will be a satisfying experience. Indeed, I’m certain you’re used to bedding women with far more skill.”



  “You think too much.” Hardly believing his luck, he dragged his shirt over his head and dropped the garment onto the floor. “But I suspect it’s because you’re afraid you might feel something.” He took her hand and placed it on his chest. “I am yours to command. Yours to own.”

  “But I don’t know what to do.”

  It crossed his mind to ask about her experiences with Lord Martin but thought it unwise to drag her out of this amorous mood. “There are no rules. Follow your heart.”

  She pursed her lips.

  “Whatever you do to me will be pleasurable,” he added.

  “Am I allowed to explore?” She didn’t wait for an answer, but placed both palms on his chest and pushed up to feel the shape of his shoulders. Blood pooled in his cock. Her eyes sparkled with delight when her fingers grazed his nipples and the sensation made him suck in a breath.

  “Just like you, certain parts of my body are sensitive to the touch.”

  “Being in control is rather empowering.” Dainty hands settled on his hips before venturing to the waistband of his breeches.

  “What now, Lilly?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Fabian smiled. “While I’m keen to see where your fingers might wander next, I’m afraid I must take off my boots.”

  She glanced at his feet, her gaze lingering on the obvious evidence of his arousal. It seemed to give her confidence in her ability, as she said, “Then hurry.”

  Why was it that a desperate man’s fingers failed to work? After three attempts, he yanked one boot free and then another. Fabian had never been shy of nakedness. That’s what came from living amongst fifty sailors for months on end. He unbuttoned his breeches but left them hanging on his hips. The last thing he wanted was to frighten his wife away.

  Sensing her increasing nerves, he closed the gap between them. “May I have an opportunity to explore, too?”

  With some hesitation, Lillian nodded.

  Keeping his eyes locked on hers, Fabian bent his knees, found the hem of her chemise and ran his hands underneath. Lillian inhaled deeply as he skimmed her soft thighs.

  “You can kiss me if the urge takes you,” he whispered as he cupped her buttocks.

  Lillian’s breath came quickly as he caressed the flare of her hips and palmed her full breasts. He rejoiced in the glazed look of desire swimming in her eyes, in the little pants she couldn’t contain. While he lived and breathed, he’d make sure she had no reason to cry again.

  Good God. Lust clawed away like a beast inside. His cock bulged against his breeches, and all he could think of was pushing into her sweet body.

  How he had the strength to rein in his desire, he’d never know. But Lillian needed to surrender to him, to embrace her passionate nature, to learn how to feel something other than guilt and shame.

  He pushed his breeches to the floor and stepped out of them. Giving her no time to think, he gathered her to his chest and plundered her mouth. One stroke of his tongue across the seam of her lips and she granted him entrance. Things progressed quickly. She clutched his arms, scratching his skin in her need to deepen the kiss.

  Fabian continued to devour her mouth while his fingers moved to the hem of her chemise and edged it up to her waist.

  “Raise your arms.” He did not give her an opportunity to protest but lifted the garment over her head and threw it onto the bed.


  He covered her mouth again, thrust inside with his tongue while pressing his erection against her abdomen. Oh, he would love nothing more than to stand and admire her body, admire God’s perfection. But he needed to feel her come apart in his hands, to shudder and cry out his name.

  With nimble fingers, he traced a path down to the intimate place between her thighs and stroked gently back and forth. He swallowed down her tiny gasps, sounds that quickly turned into sweet moans.

  Lillian clutched his waist, pulling him, urging him to give her something more.

  Fabian backed her towards the bed. All the while her frantic hands caressed his bare skin. Without warning, he scooped her up into his arms and placed her down on top of the coverlet. Lord, his wife was lush and ripe for the taking.

  “You’re sure you want to do this?” He’d ripped her away from her home, persuaded her to marry him. Was it
too late to act the gentleman now?

  Lillian nodded and blinked rapidly. For a second, her glazed eyes held a hint of fear. “Kiss me, Fabian, before I start to remember all the reasons why I should be frightened.”

  Needing no further inducement, Fabian climbed onto the bed and rose above her. “Oh, I intend to kiss you, just not in the places you expect.”

  The glorious rise and fall of her breasts drew his attention. He could have gazed upon them all night, but the urge to take her nipple in his mouth forced him to bend his head. He flicked his tongue across the tip, traced circles, sucked and nipped until Lillian’s embarrassment evaporated and she arched her back, pushing her breast against his mouth.

  Eager to rouse a cry of ecstasy from her lips, Fabian moved lower. He rained kisses all the way down to her navel. While Lillian hummed with pleasure, he gripped her knees and bent her legs, then delved lower to press his lips to her most intimate place.

  “Fabian.” His name came on a gasp. “Wait.”

  But he didn’t wait; he’d waited too long for this woman. For years, he’d imagined this moment, and he had every intention of bringing it to its rightful conclusion.

  “Hush, love. Trust me. You must learn to let go.” He lavished her swollen sex with attention.

  With the swirl of his tongue, her breath came in short, fast pants. “Fabian.” She thrust her hands into his hair, holding him in position.

  The sweet scent of her arousal sent his own desire spiralling. And then the dam burst. The tremors of her climax shook her body. She gasped and cried out as her legs shuddered with pleasure. With a firm hold of his hair, she urged him to rise above her.

  One glance at his solid cock and she swallowed deeply. “Now, Fabian. Do it now. Don’t wait.”

  Her words were music to his ears. A delicious fever consumed him mind and body as he took himself in hand and nudged at her entrance.

  This was it — time to claim the only woman he’d ever wanted. He pushed inside her. The muscles in her core welcomed him, hugged his cock so tightly he could feel the power of the intimate embrace deep in his chest.

  He stilled, relishing the feel of her muscles clamped around him. Ever so slowly he withdrew, rolled his hips and thrust inside her again. Lillian’s mouth opened on a moan. Each drive home flamed the fire burning in his veins.